Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Finally feeling more then lively as Kevin and I went out for an awesome ride today around Rancho Vistoso. My pain tollerance seems to be even higher after putting myself through a 24 hour race. The race has come and gone and for a personal accomplishment I have learned so much. I might actually train for this next year with the following left fresh in my mind:
1. A support crew is a must, I had a table set up with bottles and food and just grabbed stuff when I came in, never sitting except to put on my knee warmers. (No one to warm my shammy butter...Sue)
2. Riding at night before a 24 hour race is crucial. I put my lights on all wrong and they were hitting my fork it was pretty funny. The last time I did a night ride was with Sue during our duo race a couple years ago. I had to walk almost 5 miles of the course at night because I was not comfortable riding slick rock. Walking a marathon in sidi bike shoes is not fun.
3. Absolutely do not wear the same shorts the whole time. I was thinking the more shammy butter caked in my shorts the better, not! My butt is still healing.
Overall it was the most awesome experience, moab was true mountain biking, it tested your skills when you least expected it. I was so thankful to not have a bad accident, with almost a crash every lap, with a very good endo into a sand pit that a bunch of people witnessed.
I think I might be hooked on the endurance racing, with next year in WV! We will see!
Monday, October 19, 2009
What a kick-ass trip! We got back last night at about 1 am, almost 16 hrs of driving time. Truckee was beautiful and the weather was perfect. Chloe pulled off another national title in the XC and got 2nd in the STXC. I had a good race and was able to pull off a 10th, I was pretty happy with that considering the altitude and the amount of climbing on the course, it was definitely hard. I also managed to go down pretty hard about halfway through the race and break my right pinky finger, check out the xray below. The good news is it broke between the joints and didn't move much so the doc says I shouldn't need surgery.
It's been pretty crazy lately with racing, work and school. It took tons of work training over the last couple months getting ready for the race but I'm so glad I did it, that's it for collegiate racing for me! Time to start up again on the house remodeling. I'll post more pics as I get them.
Spring, where's the Moab update? Now that you're famous you've got to keep your fans updated.