Thursday, September 13, 2012

CrossFit Competition Spring & Vanessa

Only two more of these left!

OK now I am getting excited.  One more of these and we will be here.
New Zealand South island for R&R.

And another one after that I will be home.  Back to Hawaii touring the islands, before I hopefully PCS back to Arizona for my final year of the military.

This month has been pretty much working Afghan Visa's and Passports, CrossFit, and teaching Spin, stetch and Core classes.
My partner Vanessa and I won the CrossFit Competition at Camp Phoenix it was so fun.  Hopefully I can post a video so you can see what it entails.

We had a fun 80's party here in Kabul, it gave me a chance to try and get my bangs high like the old days.  I am glad I don't have to use that much hairspray anymore.
We ran a 5K at Eggers on Sept 11th.  I chaised down some girl for the win.  It has been so hard to do anything at 6500ft, but I am looking forward to getting back at sea level and raging.
 The morning stretch classes that I teach are growing and I am going to miss the grass as winter approaches here in Kabul.
 9/11 in Afghanistan really hit home this week, of why I am here and remembering the hero's that have lost their lives.  I never thought I would say this, but this deployment is going to be a life changing experience.  Gen Allen, Ambassador and my boss Gen Otey in the background.

 We take our freedom for granted.  I work with the best people here in Afghanistan I am so lucky.