Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Stairway to Heaven Hike
While Kevin was in Hawaii, we stayed busy with surfing and hiking. This trail never gets old, after my third time, it is different conditions every time. All of our legs were sore for days afterwards. Today was the fifth day since the hike and I could finally run and surf again. I am so excited to workout again after the Korean crud that I signed up for the XTERRA world championships trail race, half marathon on trail. The only running I have been doing is for my PT test a mile in a half, before the 5th of Dec I got some work to do:) Hopefully the next trip to see Kevin will be back to Tucson for a Cycling camp Christmas through New Years.Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Chapter 9: The Next Level
So after returning from Korea, everyone said that you get the Korean crud...what not me. I eat healthy and work out. All weekend I have been locked up coughing with no energy, it hurt to move. Finally watching a documentary on Food and medicine, and reopened "You are what you eat" and read the dreaded last chapter, The Next Level. I don't know why they call it that I avoided it like the plague. But all it is about is "Superfoods." Seriously after I took some multi-vitamins and drank a shake I was already digging in my garden with flip flops again. I am a believer.
Down the hatch, one of these a day, until I am a superhero:) Kevin, Jessee, and Steve get here in seven days, can't wait.