Saturday, April 29, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Yet another sweet weekend on the island. Our friends Laura and Nick are in town from Alaska and we decided to show them around this weekend. They came over for dinner friday evening then stayed all night. Saturday morning we went to the first H.U.R.T. race of the year. HURT stands for Hawaii Ultra Running Team check their site at They have a trail race series every year in Tantalus, the races are always muddy and fun with lots of climbing. I had a good race and finally won one. This is a shot of Jesse, Stacey, Ethan, Kevin, Jeff and Laura after the race. Everyone did awesome and had a great time, Jeff even did 6 car bombs the night before and still kicked ass. After the race we all went to Ethan's and Jeff's and had breakfast, thanks guys. Then it was off to Spring's boat race. The waves where big and the wind was blowing pretty strong. She had a good race but her plug came out of her boat and she took on some water. By the end she was just happy to finish with her boat in one piece. After her race, Me, Spring, Laura and Nick went over to Kaneohe to do some camping. We managed to drink some alcohol and eat some good food. Laura and Spring drank 1/8 of a shot each for a total of 1/4 shot, they were animals. Today Stacey and Ethan met us at Kaneohe for a trip to the sand bar, the weather was perfect. We ate, drank some more and had a good time. Spring and Laura saw a big turtle and chased it around the sand bar. Did I mention we had a good weekend?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I'm finally back on island for good. I left for five days two days after vacation to go to Philadelphia for work. The weather cleared up as soon as I left. We managed to get a few hours of sunlight in Kaneohe Bay last weekend before I left. This is a shot of Spring, Jeff, Michelle and Sally. I used to work with Jeff, he's leaving island today for good because he got orders to Dover in Delaware. Good luck with everything you guys, and keep in touch. We got back into the Hawaiian groove this weekend. Did a bunch of house work, surfed, ran and Spring raced today for the first time in over a month. She was pretty happy with the way it went and thinks she got second in her age group. We're getting pretty excited about Spring graduation. So far there's about 13 family and friends coming out, it should be a good time.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
We made it back home late last night our flight home we saw this spectacular sun setting. We had a whole row of seats all to ourselves. We were hesitant to come home because we heard how much it was raining, but we woke up this morning and sunshine. I guess we brought it back from Alaska. Thanks Ben, Lisa & Vanesa for everything! Friends that we will always keep contact with. We had so much fun and met another cool couple Lisa's cousin Casey and his wife Annie, we had alot in common with them and felt like we have known them forever. We can not wait until our next adventure!