Sunday, May 04, 2008

Gila Monster
Well I guess I survived two of the hardest stage races that I have ever done. I stayed pretty consistent until the last day known as the Gila Monster, a five hour road race on the last day of a 4 day stage race. I made it around with the group until the last climb with 15 miles remaining and then you hit a switch back climb. Ouch...I ran out of water and almost didn't make it until a Pro sag car gave me a bottle. I lost alot of time but still ended up 11th in the GC. The hardest part wasn't the five hour race, it was getting back to only have about an hour left to spend with Kevin until he headed back to TX. We had alot of fun together while it lasted and he took some pics, so hopefully he will post some when he gets back. I know all this road racing has to make me stronger but for now...I miss my mountain bike.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go bike racer!

8:49 PM  
Blogger Marianne and Bryant said...

Great performance Spring. I told you that race was a beaatch!

8:51 PM  

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