Tuesday, April 01, 2008

TBC went good this weekend. The first day was intimidating with all the girls in full on Time Trial gear and TT bikes, and I show up without bars or anything on my ghetto bike. But I got 5th the first day and was mad at my self that I was only two seconds from second place and bars would of probably helped with 2 seconds. Anyway, the second day was Duval mine road backwards then the shoot out usually runs. I didn't think there was much climbing but six of us got away on the second lap and stayed away the entire race, it was windy and pretty brutal, I was the tough mountain biker that didn't miss a pull and others would just sit on. The sprint at the end is tricky, I crossed wheels with someone and that was it, I got sixth. I have to work on those sprints. The third day, was the Crit that went around a loop by Pima West towards Gates Pass. I was pretty worked by the third day but started feeling good toward the last couple laps and pulled up the last hill, and we dropped a few before the last descent before the final sprint on the uphill finish. I placed 4th in the sprint and missed any time bonus but a girl right behind me in the GC got a 5 second time bonus for getting third and she was six seconds down from me, so I beat her by one second and got 4th overall in the GC. I guess not bad for a mountain biker. All the girls were cool and tough and you build a relationship over the 3 days of racing that at the end you totally respect each other. I might be turning into a roadie.


Blogger Marianne and Bryant said...

Way to go Spring!

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the awesomest! - This is a great picture! Love, Mom xoxoxoxox

8:14 PM  

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