This young kid made $300 selling lance heads at the Crit, it was pretty funny! The crit was crazy fast, it was the first time I got pulled from one, its frustrating when your mind wants to do well but your body tells you, no way! One more day 71 miles of pure pain up the Gila Monster!
Did you get to meet Lance in person? Hope all is well and I'm glad that you don't have the flu! Still bothers me that you are coughing up a lung - you should definitely have the doc check into it - most of the flu's going around are very respiratory and there has been lots of pneumonia as a result of going to long before taking care of it - lots of bronchial infections and once you go that far - you become more vulnerable in the future - Justi has had a horrible battle getting past her flu. I love my new job and I'm really looking forward to talking to you sometime soon and hope that everything is on for Vegas. I have my time off approved and I'm excited about seeing you there! (unscratched up and unflued) Love, Mom xoxo
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