Monday, April 27, 2009

Whiskey 50 Mountain bike race
We had so much fun in Prescott this weekend. Todd Sadow put on an amazing race this year with the race course marked perfectly, the sag stops loaded down with goodies, and Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers played after the race. Kevin and I got the best camp ground less then a mile away that we could just ride our bikes from. We both felt like we had good road fitness but the technical skills were a bit lacking from not riding our mountain bikes. We both couldn't wait to get on the fire road from skull valley which I usually dread the most. Kevin got 12th with a really competitive guys field, Scott Keller getting second right behind Jay Henry, amazing. I got 5th which I was happy with going into Gila with atleast feeling good on the climbing portions even if the down hills were a little sketchy:) We got to hang out with our good friends Austin and Heather, Austin got 12th in the 25 mile race and Heather helped Todd with the race. I got to ride with there amazing kids the day after the race Avery and Addison, we had so much fun, they are teaching me how to jump. We have so much going on, we close today and get the keys to our house tomorrow, and I leave for Gila in the morning. Kevin is the lucky one that will move us this time:) We are so excited!
Downtown Prescott had a variety of people at the concert, only the classiest cars.

Addison and Heather enjoying the concert.

Avery is an amazing mountain biker, and I think he is 8. I did this jump and almost wrecked and looked like a total beginner.

I got great pictures of the boys going through water, this is Addison.


Anonymous JoMama said...

Congrats on the house!and thanks for the update! I start my new job tomorrow at Bullet Tools! You need to add a pic of you and Kevin together! Love you and miss you bunches!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Susan Haywood said...

Come out to WV if you want to get some mad technical skills! And you better call if you come east again! Congrats on the house and all the great racing. Love you guys

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Jim Averill said...

The Blackberry is toast already so your number is too. Had to go covert here.

Lemme know if I can help out with the move. Or just drink beer.

So is Spring hangin out with Lance and the other Mellow Johnnys? Hope she is racing well and stays away from the swine flu! Tell her to eat lots of garlic!

cheers, Jim

1:03 PM  

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