Sunday, April 15, 2007

We went to Payson this weekend for the 4th race of the MBAA series, we where pretty psyched to finally get out of the desert for a race and see some pine trees and climbing. We had never been to Payson so that made the trip even more exciting. The course ended up being fun but the first 10 miles or so where fire road so it was pretty much a road race on mtb's. My race was once again going well until a group of four of us (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th) missed a turn as we we're bombing down some fast technical downhill, we realized we where lost when we got to the bottom of the hill. We searched around for the trail but couldn't find it so we rode 8 miles on the first paved road we found back thru town, good times, two races in two weeks with two DNF's. That's probably one third of all DNF's I've ever had, hopefully I've got them out of the way for a while. Spring's race went well, she was the only one in her age group so she raced against two pros and two older girls. I've got a pretty busy next two weeks, I'm flying out today for a whirlwind work trip. I'll be in Louisiana, Illinois and South Carolina all in 5 days then I'm flying to West Virginia to visit the family for a week on friday, should be fun. I haven't been to WV for over 3 yrs so I'm looking forward to it. I'm taking the laptop and camera so I'll keep you posted.
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