Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What's up from Biloxi, MS. This place is still pretty devistated from Hurricane Katrina. I am pretty much just going to school and working out. Kevin has tons of pictures to post once he gets back from Colorado. Every day I hear about how much fun he is having, I am so jealous. I looked into a couple races here in MS, which just got named the fattest state in the US. Well, I can't be picky. Me and my classmates did a mud run and they took us through a mud pit, sewer, and a mucky stream, but came out second. It was fun! Next weekend there is a run/kayak/run duathlon, that should be fun. Anyway, I miss everyone, can't wait to get back to Tucson in December. I will never complain about the desert again. Posted by Picasa


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