Monday, August 28, 2006

Tomorrow is the big day, Spring rolls out to the lovely Biloxi Mississippi until December for weather training. Its going to suck being apart for that long but you gotta do what you gotta do. While she'll be on a plane in the morning I'll be heading north to pick up Mr. Till to start our 4 day San Juan River trip. It just so happened that I had a week to kill until I pick my brother up in Denver for a week of riding in the Rocky Mountains. Steve said there was an extra spot on the boat, perfect. That will leave two days to get to Denver from Mexican Hat Utah. Check out the new addition to the Clegg family, we ran across this jewel on Saturday, its a 2001 Eurovan with 18,000 miles on it in mint condition. It's exactly what we've been looking for, just in time for my big trip. I think I'm going to feel guilty having all this fun while Spring's at school. I'll have to make it up to her in December with something big when she gets back. I probably won't be able to post much over the next few weeks since Spring's taking the laptop, I'll do the best I can. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Ben said...

WE LOVE YOUR NEW RIDE!!!! Couldn't imagine you guys in anything else :). Spring, hope you're survivin the south. Kevin, we'd love to hear about all your trips.
Miss you guys
Ben and Lisa

11:29 AM  
Blogger said...

nice rv but i'm tired of looking at it. get on with some new updates already!

2:49 PM  

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