Friday, August 14, 2009

Organic Prickly Pear Jelly from Tucson
I have been eyeing the nice red bulbs on the prickly pears lately when I am riding my mountain bike. Aug/Sep is the season to pick them, they are falling off the cacti they are so fat and happy right now. So as usual I bit off way more then I could chew after work today. I researched online and went to get all the ingredients.
I even called the Pomona's Universal Pectin hotline to fine out how much pectin I should put in my jam/jelly. The lady was so nice, she even told me the difference between the prickly pears in Arizona compared to Florida. Ours are more red then purple.

I found some nice bulbs out in the middle of the desert where no one was around, I was glad to have tongs and gloves, but still got little fine cactus needles all over me some how. I probably should not of used my cloth grocery bags.

I washed and cut the fruit into quarters and filled the pan with water just up to the top of the fruit.
I boiled 10 min and then strained the juice from the fruit.

And then strained again with a cheese cloth.

Then warmed the jars and lids and then put the jelly into the jars, seeled them, and then boiled them for 10 min.
I did one batch with lemon juice and the other batch with lime and mint. I personally like the lime and mint with the prickly pear the best. I can't believe this bright fruit comes from a cacti. We will see in the morning if they all set up and seal. I will make labels tomorrow. Here is the recipe I used.
4 cups prickly pear juice
2 cups organic sugar
1/4 cup organic lemon or lime juice
4 tsp 100% pure citrus pectin powder
4 tsp calcium water (comes with the universal pectin)
fresh organic mint (optional)


Anonymous JoMama said...

You are really something! You will have to sell that on line and become famous . . . How did it turn out? I bet delicious! I have heard about prickly pears - but I never knew what it was - watching your blog is better than the discovery channel! Love you and miss you bunches! Love, Mom xoxo

4:39 PM  

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